Send One Child To School

Dear friends of Rudi International,

We are pleased to announce the launch of this year’s Back to School campaign. Join us and donate at

Any amount you can donate will enable us to send about 100 children to school this year. Our goal is to raise $20,000. Any amount you can donate will be helpful at getting us closer to that goal.

We are working together with Love More Foundation based in Indiana to make sure your donations are well accounted for. Would you like to share with your friends on any of the social media? Grab the link above and spread the word!

Pray with us that these children we served this past year will not have to stay at home this new school year.

Alright, let’s do this together!

Thank you,

Alain-Daniel for Rudi International and Love More Foundation.

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Rudi International, non-profit

« Rudi International » asbl, est une organisation caritative œuvrant pour le développement intégral du continent africain. « Rudi » est un terme swahili qui se traduit par « reviens » en français ou « come back » en anglais. Il s’agit d’un appel à la conscience de la jeunesse africaine de toujours penser à revenir au continent, d’avoir son regard tourné vers les problèmes qui touchent directement le continent, de participer par des actions concrètes au redressement ou au redécollage de l’Afrique.