Great meeting with some of Rudi’s officials in Goma

This last week end in Goma, DRcongo.

On this picture, from left to right, Arsene Tungali (Co-founder & Executive Director), Clarisse Leusa (Board Member, Goma), Elysee Sikitu (in charge of Finances and Administration) and Lebel Baguma (Board Member, Bukavu).

This week end, we had the privilege to receive one of our Board Members, Lebel Baguma , coming from Bukavu (Southern Kivu, DRC) and visiting Goma (North Kivu, DRC). He got to meet with our local staff and other volunteers who are doing the amazing work on the ground. One of the most important things we discussed was our new Scholarship program that we plan to launch in few days.

These people are doing an amazing work and we are proud of them!

Thanks for supporting our work!

Rudi International. For Raising Africa!

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Rudi International, non-profit

« Rudi International » asbl, est une organisation caritative œuvrant pour le développement intégral du continent africain. « Rudi » est un terme swahili qui se traduit par « reviens » en français ou « come back » en anglais. Il s’agit d’un appel à la conscience de la jeunesse africaine de toujours penser à revenir au continent, d’avoir son regard tourné vers les problèmes qui touchent directement le continent, de participer par des actions concrètes au redressement ou au redécollage de l’Afrique.