Four of Rudi International Students Are Graduating

By God’s grace, in 2021, Rudi International will have up to 4 of its students graduate from High School. Two of the four students joined the Rudi Education program at its inception in 2012 and the two others joined the following year. In this video, we introduce them to you and give you the opportunity to hear them speak about our past together as well as their vision for the future!

Speaking of future, some have expressed interest in continuing to sponsor our students through College. The good news is that College doesn’t cost much more than you are already contributing per student each year in Rudi Education. Depending on the College the student is admitted in, yearly College tuition starts at around $400 and can go higher. Please let us know if you are interested in contributing to the Rudi Education College Fund via this Google Form:

The Lord God is good! These four are soon walking the stage as they graduate from High School.

At the moment we are publishing this, school in Congo has been put to a pause in an effort by the Congolese government to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. Please pray with us that: school would resume soon and all of our students would go and shine forth for the glory of our God.

Thank you for your continued support of our work. Keep in touch, let us know how you are doing, let us know if you have any specific questions about any of our programs and activities.

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Rudi International, non-profit

« Rudi International » asbl, est une organisation caritative œuvrant pour le développement intégral du continent africain. « Rudi » est un terme swahili qui se traduit par « reviens » en français ou « come back » en anglais. Il s’agit d’un appel à la conscience de la jeunesse africaine de toujours penser à revenir au continent, d’avoir son regard tourné vers les problèmes qui touchent directement le continent, de participer par des actions concrètes au redressement ou au redécollage de l’Afrique.