The 2023 edition of HakiConf Looks at Preserving Digital Rights During the Election Period

Clique ICI pour lire ce blog en Francais #HakiConf2023 in a nutshell! The fourth edition of the annual HakiConf, the “Conference on Human Rights in the Digital Age in the DRC”, under the main theme “Preserving Digital Rights During the Electoral Period in the DRC“, was held in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, from 14 … Continue reading The 2023 edition of HakiConf Looks at Preserving Digital Rights During the Election Period

Grâce au partenariat avec Books For Congo, le quartier Lac Vert a désormais une bibliothèque !

Le Centre de Formation en Informatique de base et de pratique professionnelle, Elimu Technology Center, basé à Goma, annonce l’ouverture de sa nouvelle bibliothèque. Cette initiative a été rendue possible grâce au généreux don de 795 livres offerts par l’organisation Books For Congo. Ces livres, répartis dans diverses catégories telles que la philosophie et la … Continue reading Grâce au partenariat avec Books For Congo, le quartier Lac Vert a désormais une bibliothèque !

Civil society actors must understand emerging technologies: Reflecting on my participation in the Tech Camp for Civic Space Defenders

By Arsene Tungali (Originally published at the APC Blog.) From 7 to 10 March 2023, I had the privilege of attending the Tech Camp hosted at Stanford University (California), a collaboration between Stanford’s Global Digital Policy Incubator and the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law. The aim of the Tech Camp was to bring together around … Continue reading Civil society actors must understand emerging technologies: Reflecting on my participation in the Tech Camp for Civic Space Defenders

Engaging Congolese Legislators on Progressive ICT Policy Making

Rudi International has successfully engaged members of the National Assembly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) on the country’s prevailing ICT policy landscape, how to champion formulation of progressive laws on privacy and data protection, and the need to ally with digital rights organizations

Le Réseau des Avocats Congolais pour les Droits Numériques est lancé

Au travers de ce Réseau, Rudi International voudrai susciter de l’intérêt au sein des avocats congolais et les outiller afin qu’ils se spécialisent en droit du numérique et être en mesure d’assister les citoyens congolais lorsqu’ils se retrouvent en contentieux avec les parties prenantes dans le secteur.

Why The Gospel Is Our Drive at Rudi International

While the end goal of Rudi International is to glorify God through the Gospel and good works, the end of the Gospel is “we rejoice in God.” The highest, fullest, deepest, sweetest good of the gospel is God himself, enjoyed by his redeemed people.