The touching story of Christine, a student supported by Rudi International

Also in French: L’histoire touchante de Christine, une élève encadrée par Rudi International.

Christine’s story is a touching one that demonstrates the power of education and the strength of determination. Christine is a young girl who lost her father very early in her life. She grew up with her mother who struggled to make ends meet and provide for the family. For Christine, the future seemed dark and uncertain, as she could not imagine how she could continue to study without the financial support of her family.

That’s when Rudi International came into her life. Rudi International is a non-profit organization that offers scholarships and basic computer training to disadvantaged children. Thanks to its Rudi Education program, Christine has been supported from primary school up to now, as she is now in her second year of pedagogical humanities at the Nyabyunyu institute.

Christine is very grateful for the support she has received, because without it, she would not be where she is today. In a moving letter she addressed to Rudi International, she expressed her gratitude to the organization and to God who provides the financial means.

“I thank the Lord our God. I also thank our partner Rudi International who has educated me from primary school up to where I am now. Truly, I believe in God, the Almighty Father. I had no hope of studying because when my father died, my mother didn’t even have a job to educate me, but thanks to God, who is great, I am in school today.”

Christine’s letter shows how important education is for disadvantaged children. It also shows that determination and faith can help overcome obstacles and achieve one’s dreams. For Christine, Rudi International has been a tool God used to help her continue her studies and broaden her horizon.

Christine’s story is an inspiring example of how non-profit organizations can change lives and offer hope to those in need. Rudi International continues to work hard to provide educational opportunities to disadvantaged children like Christine, so that they can realize their potential and contribute positively to their community.

In conclusion, Christine’s touching story demonstrates that education is the key to success and that determination and faith can help overcome obstacles. We should all be inspired by her story and work together to offer educational opportunities to all children, regardless of their socio-economic background.

Through this article, we would like to thank everyone who donates money to make our work effective! You can do the same by making a donation to Rudi International today!

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Rudi International, non-profit

« Rudi International » asbl, est une organisation caritative œuvrant pour le développement intégral du continent africain. « Rudi » est un terme swahili qui se traduit par « reviens » en français ou « come back » en anglais. Il s’agit d’un appel à la conscience de la jeunesse africaine de toujours penser à revenir au continent, d’avoir son regard tourné vers les problèmes qui touchent directement le continent, de participer par des actions concrètes au redressement ou au redécollage de l’Afrique.

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